Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Imovie about Plants

Today I taught a group of  Year 7/8 students.  To extend on the work we had been doing on taking photos and videos we combined these to create an iMovie.
The topic was plants.  Each student was given a sheet with QR codes that had links to videos, facts, songs and other information about the topic.
They were also given a think sheet that had 4 key questions that they needed to find the answers for.

The key was to get the students to realise that they could make a video about a non-fiction topic and that it is another way of sharing information.  Most of their previous video experience was from acting out a play or being in character.

The final product was the 4 questions on their Think sheets been answered through the students: taking screen shots, uploading pictures, taking photos (all needed to be edited before importing)  recording their voice, adding text, titles, music, sound effects.

All of the videos were very different although all giving similar information.
This was a one off lesson with no prior teaching about plants!

So far we have covered.....

We are now well into Term 3 and we have covered a lot in this time. 
Below is a list of  the areas taught and some of the apps that we have used.

  • - IPad basics- familiarise using the iPad,
  • - How to use the camera and take good quality photos and edit them
  • - How to take videos and use and edit them in    Imovie
  • - Digital Citizenship- online safety     Digital Passports
  • - Scan and create QR codes  QR code reader
  • - Display information   Pic Collage
  • - Research about animals, using Augmented Reality     Zookazam
  • - Recording voices and bringing objects to life tellagami, chatterkids

These apps have been used and implemented throughout the lessons: Popplet , show me, drawing pad, Skype- mystery callers and guest authors

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Fiona's Photo on Friday, 7 August 2015

Easy Blog Photo

Fiona's Photo on Friday, 7 August 2015

Easy Blog Photo

Fiona's Post on Friday, 7 August 2015

Easy Blog Photo
Chatterkid app This term we are focusing on recording our voices onto the iPad. We made sure we knew where the microphone was and made sure our hands weren't covering it! Since we have been doing speeches and poems at school we have been learning about how to stand in front of an audience and how our voice should sound. We used the same ideas when recording our voice. We used: - a clear voice - expression - a good volume - a normal pace - talked in a normal voice The students were able to use the skills they learnt last time in taking a photo of an object and editing it. Once they had done this they uploaded it to chatter pix and recorded their voices, describing their object. They had so much fun with it, it was great to see them using lots of different iPad skills.


 Marble Maze- Cognitive skills Steps to making the Marble Maze First we created a base for our maze.  We created some concentric circles ins...